Sunday, August 25, 2024

MLB Ejection 158 - James Jean (2; Patrick Wisdom)

HP Umpire James Jean ejected Cubs 3B Patrick Wisdom (strike three call; QOCY) in the top of the 4th inning of the #Cubs-#Marlins game. With two out and none on, Cubs batter Wisdom took a 1-2 slurve from Marlins pitcher Adam Oller for a called third strike. Replays indicate the pitch was located over the outer edge of home plate and thigh-high (px 0.66, pz 2.50), the call was correct.* At the time of the ejection, the Marlins were leading, 3-1. The Marlins ultimately won the contest, 7-2.

In the bottom of the 8th inning, Cubs pitcher Julian Merryweather intentionally walked Marlins batter Jesús Sánchez, who was pinch run for by Cristian Pache. Miami then appealed that batter-runner Sánchez failed to touch first base during his intentional walk prior to being substituted for by Pache, ruled out by 1B Umpire Cory Blaser, pursuant to Official Baseball Rule 5.09(c)(2), which puts a runner out on appeal when "while advancing or returning to a base, they fail to touch each base in order before they, or a missed base, are tagged," while OBR 5.05(b)(1) Comment states, "A batter who is entitled to first base because of a base on balls, including an award of first base to a batter by an umpire following a signal from a manager, must go to first base and touch the base before other base runners are forced to advance. This applies when bases are full and applies when a substitute runner is put into the game...If they fail to touch the base to which they are entitled and attempt to advance beyond that base they may be put out by tagging them or the base they missed."

This is James Jean (61)'s 2nd ejection of 2024.
*UEFL Rule 6-2-b-1 (Kulpa Rule): |0| < STRIKE < |.748| < BORDERLINE < |.914| < BALL.
This pitch was located 3.05 horizontal inches from being deemed incorrect.

This is the 158th ejection report of the 2024 MLB regular season.
This is the 53rd player ejection of 2024. Ejection Tally: 80 Managers, 25 Coaches, 53 Players.
This is Chicago's 6th ejection of 2024, T-2nd in the NL Central (MIL 8; CHC, PIT, STL 6; CIN 3).
This is Patrick Wisdom's 1st ejection since Sept 23, 2022 (Ryan Wills; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).
This is James Jean's 2nd ejection of 2024, 1st since June 30 (Jose Altuve; QOC = N [Fair/Foul]).


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