Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Minor League Crew Consultation Ejection

Minor league umpires Isabella Robb and Stone Garver tag teamed a silent treatment ejection in High-A after Peoria Chiefs manager Patrick Anderson refused to stop arguing over a backswing contact strikeout call made after consultation.

With none out and none on in the top of the 9th inning of Sunday's Chiefs-Timber Rattlers game, Chiefs batter Tre Richardson swung at a 2-2 pitch from Timber Rattlers pitcher Tyler Wehrle, initially ruled a dead ball by HP Umpire Robb before resulting in an unintentional contact backswing strikeout upon crew consultation with 1B Umpire Garver.

Official Baseball Rule 6.03(a) specifies the case of backswing contact: "If a batter strikes at a ball and misses and swings so hard they carry the bat all the way around and, in the umpire’s judgment, unintentionally hit the catcher or the ball in back of them on the backswing, it shall be called a strike only (not interference). The ball will be dead, however, and no runner shall advance on the play."
Note: In high school, NFHS deems this follow-through interference.

After umpires concluded that Richardson's bat knocked the ball out of Wisconsin catcher Matthew Wood's mitt, Robb signaled the batter out, leading to Anderson's extended argument, culminating in a post-ejection silent treatment method of situation handling as the skipper tired himself out.

OBR 8.02(c) prohibits arguing a call changed after crew consultation: "No player, manager or coach shall be permitted to argue the exercise of the umpires’ discretion in resolving the play and any person so arguing shall be subject to ejection."


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