Thursday, July 11, 2024

MLB Ejection 110 - Nick Mahrley (3; Kevin Pillar)

HP Umpire Nick Mahrley ejected Angels RF Kevin Pillar (strike three call; QOCN) in the bottom of the 6th inning of the #Mariners-#Angels game. With one out and none on, Pillar took a 3-2 fastball for a called third strike. Replays indicate the pitch was located off the outer edge of home plate (px 1.07, pz 2.37), the call was incorrect.* At the time of the ejection, the Mariners were leading, 11-0. The Mariners ultimately won the contest, 11-0.

This is Nick Mahrley (48)'s 3rd ejection of 2024.
*UEFL Rule 6-2-b-1 (Kulpa Rule): |0| < STRIKE < |.748| < BORDERLINE < |.914| < BALL.
This pitch was located 1.87 horizontal inches from being deemed incorrect.

This is the 110th ejection of the 2024 MLB regular season.
This is the 41st player ejection of 2024. Ejection Tally: 54 Managers, 15 Coaches, 41 Players.
This is Los Angeles' 2nd ejection of 2024, 5th in the AL West (SEA 7; OAK, HOU 6; TEX 4; LAA 2).
This is Kevin Pillar's 1st ejection since July 21, 2019 (Mark Ripperger; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).
This is Nick Mahrley's 3rd ejection of 2024, 1st since June 15 (Torey Lovullo; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).


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