Sunday, July 7, 2024

MLB Ejection 108 - Jordan Baker (1; Julio Rodríguez)

HP Umpire Jordan Baker ejected Mariners bench player Julio Rodríguez (strike three call to Mitch Garver; QOCY) in the bottom of the 9th inning of the #BlueJays-#Mariners game. With none out and none on, Mariners batter Garver took a 3-2 slider from Blue Jays pitcher Chad Green. Replays indicate the pitch was located over the outer edge of home plate and at the midpoint (px 0.58, pz 1.56 [sz_bot 1.58 / RAD 1.46]), the call was correct.* At the time of the ejection, the game was tied, 4-4. The Blue Jays ultimately won the contest, 5-4, in 10 innings.

This is Jordan Baker (71)'s 1st ejection of 2024.
*This pitch was located 3.24 vertical inches from being deemed incorrect.

This is the 108th ejection of the 2024 MLB regular season.
This is the 40th player ejection of 2024. Prior to ejection, Rodríguez was 0-0 in the contest (HBP).
Ejection Tally: 54 Managers, 14 Coaches, 40 Players.
This is Seattle's 7th ejection of 2024, 1st in the AL West (SEA 7; OAK, HOU 6; TEX 4; LAA 1).
This is Julio Rodriguez's 1st ejection since June 26, 2022 (John Bacon; QOC = U [Fighting]).
This is Jordan Baker's 1st ejection since August 26, 2023 (Dave Roberts; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).


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