
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

MLB Ejections 089-90 - Doug Eddings (1-2; SEA x2)

HP Umpire Doug Eddings ejected Mariners SS JP Crawford and manager Scott Servais (strike one, two, and three calls; QOCY) in the top of the 5th inning of the #Mariners-#Guardians game. With two out and one on, Mariners batter Crawford took three consecutive fastballs from Guardians pitcher Tanner Bibee for called first, second, and third strikes. Replays indicate the pitch ruled strike one was located over the outer edge of home plate and thigh-high (px -0.82, pz 2.65), strike two was located over the heart of home plate and at the midpoint (px 0.09, pz 3.52 [sz_top 3.39 / RAD 3.51 / MOE 3.59]), and strike three was located over the inner half of home plate and at the midpoint (px 0.24, pz 3.36 [sz_top 3.32 / RAD 3.44]), the call was correct.* At the time of the ejections, the Guardians were leading, 3-0. The Guardians ultimately won the contest, 8-0.

These are Doug Eddings (88)'s 1st and 2nd ejections of 2024.
*UEFL Rule 6-2-b-1 (Kulpa Rule): |0| ≤ STRIKE < |.748| ≤ BORDERLINE ≤ |.914| < BALL.
Strike 1 was located 1.13 horizontal, K2 was 0.84 vertical and K3 was 1.92 vertical inches from QOCN.

These are the 89th and 90th ejections of the 2024 MLB regular season.
This is the 32nd player ejection of 2024. Prior to ejection, Crawford was 0-3 (3 SO) in the contest.
This is the 45th manager ejection of 2024. Ejection Tally: 45 Managers, 13 Coaches, 32 Players.
This is Seattle's 5/6th ejection of 2024, 1st in the AL West (SEA 6; OAK 5; HOU, TEX 4; LAA 1).
This is JP Crawford's 1st ejection since August 24, 2022 (Mark Ripperger; QOC = N [Balls/Strikes]).
This is Scott Servais' 3rd ejection of 2024, 1st since June 10 (Chris Guccione; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).
This is Doug Eddings' 1st ejection since June 22, 2023 (Dave Martinez; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).

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