
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

MLB Ejection 060 - Tripp Gibson (4; Daniel Moskos)

3B Umpire Tripp Gibson ejected Cubs assistant pitching coach Daniel Moskos (balk call; QOCY) in the bottom of the 9th inning of the #Cubs-#Brewers game. With two outs and one on, during Brewers batter Willy Adames' at-bat, Cubs pitcher Héctor Neris was called for a balk by 3B Umpire Gibson. Replays indicate Neris failed to come to a stop while in Set Position with runner(s), the call was correct.* At the time of the ejection, the game was tied, 1-1. The Cubs ultimately won the contest, 6-3, in 10 innings.

This is Tripp Gibson (73)'s 1st ejection of 2024.
*OBR 6.02(a)(13): With runner(s) on base, it is a balk when "The pitcher delivers the pitch from Set Position without coming to a stop."

This is the 60th ejection of the 2024 MLB regular season.
This is the 10th coach ejection of 2024. Ejection Tally: 26 Managers, 10 Coaches, 24 Players.
This is Chicago's 2nd ejection of 2024, 4th in the NL Central (MIL, PIT, STL 4; CHC 2; CIN 1).
This is Daniel Moskos' first career MLB ejection.
This is Tripp Gibson's 1st ejection since August 15, 2023 (David Ross; QOC = Y [Balk]).

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