
Friday, May 24, 2024

MLB Ejection 056 - Brian Walsh (1; Bryce Harper)

HP Umpire Brian Walsh ejected Phillies 1B Bryce Harper (strike two call; QOCY) in the top of the 1st inning of the #Phillies-#Rockies game. With two out and none on, Harper took a 0-1 sinker from Rockies pitcher Ty Blach for a called second strike, before striking out swinging on the next pitch. Replays indicate the pitch ruled strike two was located over the inner edge of home plate and at the hollow of the knee (px 0.75, pz 1.56 [sz_bot 1.68 / RAD 1.56 / MOE 1.48]), the call was correct.* At the time of the ejection, the game was tied, 0-0. The Rockies ultimately won the contest, 3-2, in 11 innings.

This is Brian Walsh (120)'s 1st ejection of 2024.
*This pitch was located 1.00 vertical inches from being deemed incorrect.

This is the 56th ejection report of the 2024 MLB regular season.
This is the 23rd player ejection of 2024. Prior to ejection, Harper was 0-1 (SO) in the contest.
Ejection Tally: 24 Managers, 9 Coaches, 23 Players.
This is Philadelphia's 1st ejection of 2024, 4th in the NL East (MIA 3; NYM, WAS 2; PHI 1; ATL 0).
This is Bryce Harper's 1st ejection since Sept 28, 2023 (Angel Hernandez; QOC = U [Check Swing]).
This is Brian Walsh's 1st ejection since May 30, 2023 (Scott Servais; QOC = U-c [Check Swing]).

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