
Monday, November 13, 2023

2023 CCS Year-End Umpire Awards Nominations Open

Close Call Sports announces its annual Umpire Ejection Fantasy League Postseason Awards and opens nominations and elections at this time. You may vote for 7 different award categories. Reply to this post if you wish to campaign for or explain why you chose a certain umpire for a specific award.

Post-Season Awards Include:
a. Umpire of the Year (min. 1 / max. 1 umpire) +5
b. Promising Umpire of the Year (min. 1 / max. 2) +3
c. Bernice Gera Honorable Umpire (min. 0 / max. 1) +2
d. Fill-In Umpire of the Year (min. 0 / max. 1) +2
e. Most Improved Umpire (min. 0 / max. 1) +1
f. Crew Chief of the Year (min. 0 / max. 1) +1
g. Best Ejection of the Year (min. 0 / max. 2) +1
h. Most Disappointing Season (min. 0 / max. 1) -1

In lieu of the postseason awards ballot, we will be accepting nominations via replay/comments on this post or on our other social media outlets.

An eligible umpire may be selected for as many or as few awards as that umpire is eligible for; Ballots will be accepted until 11:59pm on Sunday, November 19, with awards distribution beginning shortly thereafter.