Monday, July 10, 2023

June 2023 Top 5 Calls of the Month

For June 2023, tmac has selected a Top 5 calls showcasing five MLB umpires whose efficient use of mechanics, positioning, and patience enables them to correctly officiate some difficult plays.

We also pause to remember Northwoods League Umpire Conor McKenzie, who passed away last weekend while en route to officiate a Northwoods League game in Madison.

Top 5 Calls of the Month - June 2023

5. Ben May's plate at the plate in Milwaukee.
4. Jeff Nelson's catcher's interference call in Milwaukee, a day later.
3. Andy Fletcher's legal plate blocking at home in San Francisco.
2. Chris Segal's swim move of a runner in Arlington.
1. Todd Tichenor's dancing out of the way of a foul ball in Kansas City.

Video as follows:

Alternate Link: CloseCallSports' Top 5 Calls of the Month for June 2023