Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Celebrity Ejection 001 - Trevor D (1; Bryan Cranston)

HP Umpire Trevor Dannegger ejected Los Angeles batter Bryan Cranston (strike three call; QOCU) in the bottom of the 5th inning of the #Brooklyn-#Dodgers game. With one out and one on (R1), Cranston took a 1-2 lob from Brooklyn pitcher Jennie Finch for a called third strike. Replays indicate the pitch was located somewhere in the vicinity of the inside edge of home plate and ankle-to-shoulder high, the call was irrecusable. After striking out, Cranston kicked dirt on Dannegger but was not ejected. Upon subsequently throwing a bucket of gum on Dannegger, Cranston was ejected from the game. At the time of the ejection, Brooklyn was leading, 15-13. Brooklyn ultimately won the contest, 15-13.

This is Trevor Dannegger's 1st ejection of the 2022 All-Star Season.

Video as follows: