Saturday, April 23, 2022

MLB Ejection 012 - Brian Knight (1; Mark Kotsay)

HP Umpire Brian Knight ejected Athletics manager Mark Kotsay (Replay Review decision/home plate collision call; QOCY) in the top of the 8th inning of the #Rangers-#Athletics game. With two out and two on (R2, R3), Rangers batter Brad Miller hit a 1-1 slider from A's pitcher Domingo Acevedo on the ground to left fielder Tony Kemp, who threw to catcher Sean Murphy as Rangers baserunner R2 Eli White slid toward home plate, ruled an out by HP Umpire Knight. After Crew Chief Review, the out call was overturned and White awarded home on catcher Murphy's violation of Official Baseball Rule 6.01(i)(2)—the home plate collision rule. Replays indicate Murphy, without possession of the ball, blocked the pathway of the runner prior to making a tag at home plate, the call was correct.* At the time of the ejection, the Rangers were leading, 2-0. The Rangers ultimately won the contest, 2-0.

This is Brian Knight (91)'s 1st ejection of 2022.
Brian Knight now has 4 points in the UEFL Standings (0 Prev + 2 MLB + 2 Correct Call = 4).
Crew Chief Doug Eddings now has 2 points in Crew Division (1 Previous + 1 Correct Call = 2).
*OBR 6.01(i)(2) states: "Unless the catcher is in possession of the ball, the catcher cannot block the pathway of the runner as he is attempting to score. If, in the judgment of the umpire, the catcher without possession of the ball blocks the pathway of the runner, the umpire shall call or signal the runner safe. Not withstanding the above, it shall not be considered a violation of this Rule 6.01(i)(2) if the catcher blocks the pathway of the runner in a legitimate attempt to field the throw (e.g., in reaction to the direction, trajectory or the hop of the incoming throw, or in reaction to a throw that originates from a pitcher or drawn-in infielder)."

This is the 12th ejection report of the 2022 MLB regular season.
This is the 5th manager ejection of 2022.
This is Oakland's 1st ejection of 2022, T-1st in the AL West (LAA, OAK 1; HOU, SEA, TEX 0).
This is Mark Kotsay's 1st ejection since June 14, 2015 (Adrian Johnson; QOC = N [Balls/Strikes]).