Friday, September 3, 2021

Tmac - Angle Hernandez's Plate Play Vertex

In this Teachable Moment, tmac observes how Umpire Angel Hernandez takes a close tag play at home plate, paying attention to angles and distance in order to maximize the probability of officiating out/safe correctly. Angel's technique and positioning allow the umpire to get this play right when, in real time, it may have looked like a sure out.

Play: With one out and two on (R2, R3) during a Mets-Marlins game, New York batter Tomas Nido hit a 1-1 fastball from Marlins pitcher Zach Thompson on the ground to first baseman Jesus Aguilar, who threw home to catcher Alex Jackson as Mets baserunner R3 Javier Baez slid into home plate.

: HP Umpire Hernandez ruled Baez safe, having stepped back to observe several critical points: the fielder's glove/mitt, the runner's hands (in the case of this headfirst slide), and the base (home plate) to which the runner was sliding. As Crew Chief Ted Barrett visited the Marlins dugout, Miami opted not to challenge the call, having internally reviewed the film that confirmed the runner was indeed safe.

Video as follows:

Alternate Link: Baez pulls hand back during slide as umpire AH rules safely (NYM/CCS)