Sunday, August 29, 2021

MLB Ejections 157-158 - Edwin Moscoso (CIN x2)

HP Umpire Edwin Moscoso ejected Reds 3B Eugenio Suarez (strike three call; QOCY) in the top of the 7th and manager David Bell (strike two call; QOCY) in the top of the 9th inning of the #Reds-#Marlins game. In the 7th, with two out and none on, Suarez took a 3-2 sinker from Marlins pitcher Anthony Bender for a called third strike. Replays indicate the pitch was located over the outer half of home plate and at the midpoint (px -0.30, pz 3.38 [sz_top 3.32 / RAD 3.44 / MOE 3.53]), the call was correct. At the time of the ejection, the Marlins were leading, 2-0.

In the 9th, with two out and one on (R2), Reds batter Kyle Farmer took a 1-1 sinker from Marlins pitcher Dylan Floro for a called second strike. Replays indicate the pitch was located over the outer half of home plate and at the hollow of the knee (px 0.63, pz 1.52 [sz_bot 1.53 / RAD 1.41 / MOE 1.32), the call was correct. At the time of the ejection, the Marlins were leading, 2-1. The Marlins ultimately won the contest, 2-1.

These are Edwin Moscoso (109)'s 2nd and 3rd ejections of 2021.
Edwin Moscoso now has 10 points in the UEFL Standings (2 Prev + 2*[2 AAA + 2 QOCY] = 10).
Crew Chief Fieldin Culbreth now has 1 point in Crew Division (-1 Previous + 2 Correct Calls = 1).
The Suarez pitch was located 1.80 vertical inches from being deemed incorrect.
The Farmer pitch was located 2.4 vertical inches from being deemed incorrect.

These are the 157th and 158th ejection reports of the 2021 MLB regular season.
This is the 64th player ejection of 2021. Prior to ejection, Suarez was 0-3 (2 SO) in the contest.
This is the 72nd manager ejection of 2021.
This is Cincinnati's 11/12th ejection of 2021, 2nd in the NL Central (MIL 14; CIN 12; CHC, STL 6; PIT 3).
This is Eugenio Suarez's 2nd ejection of 2021, 1st since July 31 (Chris Segal; QOC = N [Balls/Strikes]).
This is David Bell's 5th ejection of 2021, 1st since August 15 (Alan Porter; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).
This is Edwin Moscoso's 2/3rd ejection of 2021, 1st since June 3 (Brett Anderson; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).

Wrap: Cincinnati Reds vs. Miami Marlins, 8/29/21 | Video as follows:

Alternate Link: Moscoso ejects two Reds two innings apart over two different strike calls (CIN/MIA)