Wednesday, July 28, 2021

MLB Ejection 117 - Hunter Wendelstedt (5; Scott Servais)

1B Umpire Hunter Wendelstedt ejected Mariners manager Scott Servais (ball one call by HP Umpire Adam Beck; QOCN) in the top of the 4th inning of the #Astros-#Mariners game. With two out and two on (R1, R2), Astros batter Aledmys Diaz took a first-pitch fastball from Mariners pitcher Yusei Kikuchi for a called first ball. Replays indicate the pitch was located over the outer edge of home plate and at the knee (px 0.73, pz 1.96 [sz_bot 1.56]), the call was incorrect. At the time of the ejection, the Astros were leading, 2-0. The Astros ultimately won the contest, 11-4.

This is Hunter Wendelstedt (21)'s 5th ejection of 2021.
Hunter Wendelstedt now has 15 points in the UEFL Standings (15 Prev + 2 MLB - 2 QOCN-crewmate = 15).
Crew Chief Hunter Wendelstedt now has 9 points in Crew Division (9 Previous + 0 Incorrect Call = 9).
*UEFL Rule 6-2-b-1 (Kulpa Rule): |0| < STRIKE < |.748| < BORDERLINE < |.914| < BALL.
This pitch was located 0.22 horizontal inches from being deemed a correct call.

This is the 117th ejection report of the 2021 MLB regular season.
This is the 57th manager ejection of 2021.
This is Seattle's 3rd ejection of 2021, T-4th in the AL West (HOU, OAK, TEX 4; LAA, SEA 3).
This is Scott Servais' 2nd ejection of 2021, 1st since April 11 (Laz Diaz; QOC = U [Warnings]).
This is Wendelstedt's 5th ejection of 2021, 1st since July 26 (Brooks Raley; QOC = U [Throwing At]).

Wrap: Houston Astros vs. Seattle Mariners, 7/28/21 | Video as follows:

Alternate Link: Servais ejected after pitch at the corner is balled at the plate (SEA)