Friday, July 16, 2021

MLB Ejection 098 - Greg Gibson (3; Charlie Montoyo)

HP Umpire Greg Gibson ejected Blue Jays manager Charlie Montoyo (untimely Replay Review challenge of out call at 1B; QOCY) in the bottom of the 5th inning of the #Rangers-#BlueJays game. With two out and none on, Blue Jays batter Cavan Biggio hit a 1-0 slider from Rangers pitcher Joe Barlow on the ground to second baseman Nick Solak, who threw to Barlow as Biggio arrived at first base, ruled out by 1B Umpire Stu Scheurwater for the inning's third out. Gibson subsequently denied Montoyo's attempt to challenge Scheurwater's out call, ruling that Montoyo had consumed more than 20 seconds from the end of the play until announcing his intent to challenge/request a review of the play in contravention of Replay Review regulations. Replays do not indicate that Montoyo informed Gibson of an intent to challenge the preceding play, the call was correct.* At the time of the ejection, the Blue Jays were leading, 6-0. The Blue Jays ultimately won the contest, 10-2.

This is Greg Gibson (53)'s third ejection of 2021.
Greg Gibson now has 6 points in the UEFL Standings (2 Prev + 2 MLB + 2 Correct Call = 6).
Crew Chief Greg Gibson now has 3 points in Crew Division (2 Previous + 1 Correct Call = 3).
Related EjectionMLB Ejection 018 - Greg Gibson (2; Aaron Boone) (4/26/21).

This is the 98th ejection report of the 2021 MLB regular season.
This is the 48th manager ejection of 2021.
This is Toronto's 3rd ejection of 2021, T-2nd in the AL East (NYY 6; BOS, TOR 3; BAL 2; TB 0).
This is Charlie Montoyo's 1st ejection since August 16, 2020 (Vic Carapazza; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).