Monday, April 12, 2021

Court Awards Joe West $500,000 in Suit vs Paul Lo Duca

A Supreme Court Justice in New York awarded umpire Joe West over $500,000 in his defamation lawsuit against former MLB player Paul Lo Duca, which had alleged that LoDuca made untrue statements about West on a podcast that was widely disseminated.

The Court's order, signed off on April 9, 2021 by Justice John J. Kelley was received by the state's electronic filing system on April 12, making for a most unusual of birthday presents for Lo Duca, who was born on April 12, 1972.

The case stems from Lo Duca's comments on a podcast in May 2019. West subsequently filed a defamation claim against Lo Duca, writing that "these statements impugn the integrity, honesty and professional fitness of Mr. West and affect his profession as a Major League Baseball umpire."

The case also revealed a glimpse at West's plans for the future. They include:
> West plans to retire at the conclusion of the 2021 season.
> West plans to participate in income-generating public speaking engagements thereafter.
> West anticipates he will be elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame as an umpire.

The Court granted default judgment in favor of West in July 2020.

West's attorney Kevin Murphy stated, "Joe is very pleased with this result and we are glad that Mr. Lo Duca is being held accountable for his actions."