Sunday, May 26, 2019

MLB Ejection 066 - Mike Estabrook (6; Moustakas)

3B Umpire Mike Estabrook ejected Brewers 3B Mike Moustakas (check swing strike three call) in the top of the 7th inning of the Phillies-Brewers game. In the bottom of the 6th, with two out and none on, Moustakas attempted to check his swing on a 2-2 slider from Phillies pitcher JD Hammer, ruled a ball by HP Umpire Ryan Blakney and called a swinging third strike on appeal by 3B Umpire Estabrook. Play was reviewed and adjudicated by the UEFL Appeals Board (8-0-1), the call was correct. At the time of the ejection, the Brewers were leading, 7-1. The Brewers ultimately won the contest, 9-1.

This is Mike Estabrook (83)'s sixth ejection of 2019.
Mike Estabrook now has 18 points in the UEFL Standings (14 Prev + 2 MLB + 2 Correct Call = 18).
Crew Chief Paul Emmel now has 5 points in Crew Division (4 Previous + 1 Correct Call = 5).

This is the 66th ejection report of the 2019 MLB regular season.
This is the 28th player ejection of 2019. Prior to ejection, Moustakas was 0-4 (SO) in the contest.
This is Milwaukee's 5th ejection of 2019, 2nd in the NL Central (CIN 7; MIL 5; PIT 3; CHC, STL 2).
This is Mike Moustakas' first ejection since June 17, 2018 (John Tumpane; QOC = Y [Replay Review]).
This is Mike Estabrook's 6th ejection of 2019, 1st since May 25 (Craig Counsell; QOC = N [Balls/Strikes]).

Wrap: Philadelphia Phillies vs. Milwaukee Brewers, 5/26/19 | Video as follows:
Alternate Link: Mike's manners manufacture a meeting with Milwaukee's manager (MIL)