This is Paul Emmel (50)'s second ejection of 2019.
Paul Emmel now has 0 points in the UEFL Standings (-4 Prev + 2 MLB + 2 Correct Call = 0).
Crew Chief Paul Emmel now has -1 points in Crew Division (-2 Previous + 1 Correct Call = -1).
*Commentary Critique: This play could not have been reviewed via video. In 2017, MLB changed its Replay Review Regulations for Crew Chief Reviews on non-home run calls for a team out of challenges. The 2014-16 rule stated these Crew Chief Reviews could begin in the 7th inning. In 2017, this was changed to the 8th inning. As such, Boone could not request a Crew Chief Review for this play, which occurred in the 7th inning (see: "Crew Chief Reviews Now Begin in the 8th Inning").
Related Post: 2017 Rules Mods, Including IBB Change, Announced (3/2/17).
This is the 40th ejection report of the 2019 MLB regular season.
This is the 17th Manager ejection of 2019.
This is New York's 2nd ejection of 2019, 2nd in the AL East (BAL 3; NYY 2; TOR 1; BOS, TB 0).
This is Aaron Boone's 2nd ejection of 2019, 1st since April 20 (Jerry Meals; QOC = Y [Replay Review]).
This is Paul Emmel's 2nd ejection of 2019, 1st since April 21 (Mickey Callaway; QOC = N [Check Swing]).
Wrap: New York Yankees vs. Arizona Diamondbacks, 5/1/19 | Video as follows: