Saturday, September 22, 2018

MLB Ejections 173-174 - Joe West (3-4; CWS x2)

2B Umpire Joe West ejected White Sox SS Tim Anderson and Manager Rick Renteria (Replay Review decision that upheld West's slide rule interference no-call; QOCY) in the top of the 9th inning of the Cubs-White Sox game. With one out and two on, Cubs batter Anthony Rizzo hit a 0-1 slider from White Sox pitcher Jeanmar Gomez on the ground to second baseman Yoan Moncada, to shortstop Anderson, who threw wildly to first base as Cubs baserunner R1 Javier Baez slid into second base and collided with Anderson, resulting in a run-producing error, affirmed via Replay Review as the result of a Manager's Challenge by Renteria. Replays indicate Baez fulfilled the requirements for a bona fide slide, the call was correct.* At the time of the ejections, the Cubs were leading, 8-3. The Cubs ultimately won the contest, 8-3.

These are Joe West (22)'s third and fourth ejections of 2018.
Joe West now has 17 points in the UEFL Standings (9 Prev + 2*[2 MLB + 2 Correct Call] = 17).
Crew Chief Joe West now has 1 point in Crew Division (-1 Previous + 2*[1 Correct Call] = 1).
*Rule 6.01(j) regarding slide interference specifies the four criteria which make a slide bona fide:
(1) Did the runner begin his slide (e.g., contact the ground) before reaching the base? [YES];
(2) Was runner able & attempted to reach the base with a hand or foot? [YES];
(3) Was runner able & attempted to remain on the base (except HP) after completing the slide? [YES];
(4) Did runner slide within reach of the base without changing his pathway for contact? [YES].

As stated in our related post (see the following link for a detailed analysis of this type of play),
As for 5.09(a)(13) Comment (the "deliberate, unwarranted, unsportsmanlike action by the runner in leaving the baseline for the obvious purpose of crashing the pivot man on a double play, rather than trying to reach the base" rule), [the runner] actually did reach and remain on second base, and, as stated above, never actually left the baseline (because he was notably to the right of the line to begin with). Because 5.09(a)(13) Comment instructs umpires to "See Rule 6.01(j)," we come full circle and start over, finding again that [the runner's] slide is bona fide, so on, and so forth.
It's tough to prove willful and deliberate interference when [the runner's] actions check all of the "bona fide" boxes and don't quite meet the criteria about "leaving the baseline" or failing to reach the base.
That said, an unequivocally intentional attempt by the runner to reach out and grab the fielder in order to deprive the defense of the opportunity to turn or complete a double play may be deemed violative.
Related PostLight Up the Halo & Clear the Benches - Slide INT Part II (6/2/18).

This is the 173rd and 174th ejection report of the 2018 MLB regular season.
This is the 84th player ejection of 2018. Prior to ejection, Anderson was 1-3 (SO) in the contest.
This is the 71st Manager ejection of 2018.
This is Chicago-AL's 8/9th ejection of 2018, 1st in the AL Central (CWS 9; MIN 8; KC 7; DET 4; CLE 1).
This is Tim Anderson's 2nd ejection of 2018, 1st since June 28 (Gerry Davis; QOC = Y [Replay Review]).
This is Rick Renteria's 6th ejection of 2018, 1st since August 4 (Jerry Meals; QOC = N-C [Replay Review]).
This is Joe West's 3/4th ejection of 2018, 1st since June 30 (Ryan Rua; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).

Wrap: Chicago Cubs vs. Chicago White Sox, 9/22/18 | Video as follows:
Alternate Link: White Sox's wild wallop wins out as West withholds whistle (CHC)
Second Video: West ejects Anderson and Renteria after extended conversations (CWS/CHC)