Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Site Remodel Announcement

Close Call Sports & Umpire Ejection Fantasy League is getting a facelift. Over the next week, the website's appearance will be fine tuned in preparation for the upcoming 2018 UEFL season. We'll be open during construction, meaning you will still have access to all CCS content, and we'll continue posting news stories and other content as per the usual offseason schedule. The site may look odd or downright broken over the next few days, but rest assured, we'll be busy working on a new look.

What's more, you will now be able to visit Close Call Sports over an encrypted, or secure, connection. Similar to the circa-2017 address at, the encrypted link will be accessible at (adds an 's'). Both links will work for the time being, but our goal is to redirect all traffic to the secure connection at some point in the future.

Feel free to comment, tweet, or e-mail any feedback or features you'd like to see in 2018!