This is Chad Fairchild (4)'s third ejection of the 2017 MLB regular season.
Chad Fairchild now has 14 points in the UEFL Standings (10 Prev + 2 MLB + 2 Correct Call = 14).
Crew Chief Larry Vanover now has 10 points in Crew Division (9 Previous + 1 Correct Call = 10).
*UEFL Rule 6-2-b-1 (Kulpa Rule): |0| < STRIKE < |.748| < BORDERLINE < |.914| < BALL.
*This pitch was located 5.244 horizontal and 2.74 vertical inches from being deemed an incorrect call.
This is the 184th ejection report of 2017.
This is the 83rd player ejection of 2017. Prior to ejection, Bautista was 1-4 (2 SO) in the contest.
This is Toronto's 11th ejection of 2017, T-1st in the AL East (NYY, TOR 11; TB 7; BOS 5; BAL 4).
This is Jose Bautista's first ejection since May 15, 2016 (Dale Scott; QOC = U [Fighting]).
This is Chad Fairchild's 3rd ejection of 2017, 1st since Sept 6 (Justin Turner; QOC = N [Balls/Strikes]).
Wrap: Toronto Blue Jays vs. Boston Red Sox, 9/25/17 | Video as follows: