Friday, March 25, 2016

UEFL University - Video Rulebook - The Field

UEFL's Video Rulebook entry for the baseball field contains a few standard elements: four bases, one of which is an irregular pentagonal plate, which comprise the four points of a square and a pitcher's plate which essentially bisects the line between home plate and second base. There are right and left foul lines running through and between home plate and first and third bases, respectively, batter's and catcher's boxes astride of the home plate area, and a sleek combination of dirt and grass, or astroturf, throughout the playing field.

The art of constructing and maintaining a baseball field for game use is referred to as groundskeeping and a large part of this is conducting measurements in determining that each on-field element is appropriately spaced. The first image to the right, as you can see, only contains infield elements. This is because the outfield has no standard dimensions, other than the minimum requirements, which in the modern era is generally a distance of at least 325 feet from home plate to the outfield wall in fair territory, often increasing to a depth of 400 feet from home plate to the center field fence.

The second image to the right depicts the activity at home plate, the batter's boxes and catcher's box along with dimensions used at the professional level.

The Department of Horticulture and Crop Science at The Ohio State University explains how to construct a baseball infield: