Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Ejections 01, 02: Odo Ital (Benjamin Sisko, Captain Solok)

HP Umpire Odo Ital ejected Niners Manager Benjamin Sisko for arguing a strike three call in the bottom of the 5th inning and Logicians Manager Captain Solok for arguing a celebration in the bottom of the 9th inning of the Logicians-Niners game. In the 5th, with two out and one on, Niners first baseman Worf took a 3-2 fastball for a called third strike. Replays indicate the pitch was located over the outer edge of home plate and at the hollow of the knee, the call was correct. In the 9th, with two out and one on, Niners batter Rom executed a squeeze bunt, scoring baserunner R3 Nog for the Niners' first run, prompting a bench-clearing incident during which the Niners celebrated Rom's RBI, the call was irrecusable. At the time of Sisko's ejection, the Logicians were leading, 7-0. At the time of Solok's ejection, the Logicians were leading, 10-1. The Logicians ultimately won the contest, 10-1.

These are Odo Ital (6)'s first and second ejections of the DS9 Exhibition Game.
*Immediately preceding both ejections, Sisko and Solok touched Odo's chest, prompting Odo to reference and quote OBR Rule 4.06(a)(4), which states that "No manager, player, substitute, coach, trainer or batboy shall at any time, whether from the bench, the coach’s box or on the playing field, or elsewhere make intentional contact with the umpire in any manner."

Wrap: USS T'Kumbra Logicians vs. Deep Space 9 Niners (Star Trek Exhibition), 2375 (N/A)
Video: Following a fifth-inning strikeout, Sisko touches the umpire, good for an auto-EJ (DS9)

Happy April Fools' Day!