Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rosters: 2014 MLB Umpire Crew List

2014 MLB Umpire Crew information is now available and will be listed on the MLB Umpire Roster page.

Like last year's news break, the 2014 crews have not been officially released though this unofficial story provided by a UEFL source will again assist UEFL'ers in preperation for the Crew Chief phase of the UEFL draft, whose deadline remains March 30, 2014, at 4:00 PM PT, despite this early report.

The following umpiring crews and rover position assignments have been established, tentatively, for the 2014 MLB regular season:
CrewCrew ChiefUmpire 2Umpire 3Umpire 4
Crew A45 Nelson, Jeff63 Diaz, Laz6 Carlson, Mark87 Barry, Scott
Crew B6 Miller, Bill53 Gibson, Greg (N)19 Carapazza, Vic[AAA Rover]
Crew C65 Barrett, Ted53 Gibson, Greg (N)43 Schrieber, PaulWill Little
Crew D66 Joyce, Jim88 Eddings, Doug51 Hudson, Marvin89 Blaser, Cory
Crew E8 Kellogg, Jeff7 O'Nora, Brian2 Bellino, Dan70 Reyburn, D.J.
Crew F27 Vanover, Larry*55 Hernandez, Angel39 Nauert, Paul80 Johnson, Adrian
Crew G32 DeMuth, Dana46 Kulpa, Ron15 Hickox, Ed94 Barrett, Lance
Crew H9 Gorman, Brian52 Welke, Bill (S)28 Wolf, Jim86 Rackley, David
Crew I38 Gary Cederstrom44 Kerwin Danley23 Lance Barksdale[AAA Rover]
Crew J41 Meals, Jerry*50 Emmel, Paul98 Conroy, Chris (I)71 Baker, Jordan
Crew K20 Hallion, Tom56 Cooper, Eric68 Guccione, Chris[AAA Rover]
Crew L25 Culbreth, Fieldin77 Reynolds, Jim79 Gonzalez, Manny[AAA Rover]
Crew M33 Winters, Mike47 Wegner, Mark49 Fletcher, Andy76 Muchlinski, Mike
Crew N12 Davis, Gerry10 Cuzzi, Phil91 Knight, Brian (L)Wolcott, Quinn
Crew O24 Layne, Jerry21 Wendelstedt, Hunter16 DiMuro, Mike83 Estabrook, Mike
Crew P5 Scott, Dale58 Iassogna, Dan54 Bucknor, CB[AAA Rover]
Crew Q22 West, Joe60 Foster, Marty30 Drake, Rob (J)64 Porter, Alan
Crew R3 Welke, Tim1 Dreckman, Bruce95 Timmons, Tim13 Tichenor, Todd
Crew S17 Hirschbeck, John61 Davidson, Bob92 Hoye, James[AAA Rover]
[DL]36 McClelland, Tim (F)57 Everitt Mike (B)72 Marquez, Alfonso (C)11 Randazzo, Tony (H)
[BL/DL]37 Darling, Gary (J)34 Holbrook, Sam (Q)4 Fairchild, Chad (B)
*Indicates interim or acting crew chief status. Italics text indicates a minor league fill-in position.
The BL/DL Crews indicate umpires reported as injured or otherwise absent to begin the 2014 season.
The crew letters in parentheses represent crews an umpire is ordinarily assigned and will be returning to once the corresponding BL/DL umpire returns to active MLB service. For instance, Chris Conroy will be begin his season with acting crew chief Jerry Meals in Crew J. When Gary Darling returns to Crew Chief service mid-season, Conroy will return to Gary Cederstrom's Crew I (for AAA Rover) and Meals will slide to Crew J's Umpire 2 position.

The annual MLB Umpire Crew list always solicits excitement and signifies yet another step on the March trek to Opening Day and April baseball. The UEFL has compiled the following notable features of this list:

New Chiefs' Crews:
» Jeff Nelson (Crew A) and Bill Miller (Crew B).

Acting Crew Chiefs:
» Larry Vanover (Crew F, for Tim McClelland) and Jerry Meals (Crew J, for Gary Darling).

Crews with AAA or MiLB Fill-In/Call-Up Umpires scheduled to begin the season:
Crew B, C (Will Little), I, K, L, N (Quinn Wolcott), P, S.

For more information and access to a sortable list of all MLB and Triple-A fill-in umpires—including a 2014 crew column—visit the UEFL's MLB Umpire Roster page and stay tuned for our continued Umpire Profiles.