Monday, January 27, 2014

UEFL 2014: Registration & Appeals Board Nomination

Registration is now open for the 2014 Umpire Ejection Fantasy League season.

Quick Links: 2014 UEFL Registration Form / 2014 Appeals Board Nomination Form
After registering, your name will be added to the 2014 UEFL Member Roster (note Last Updated date). Preliminary registrants will appear on the Roster. If you submit registration and do not see your username on the roster by the following day, please register again.

Per UEFL Rule 1, as adopted prior to the 2013 season:
a.     A post announcing the opening of registrations shall appear on the UEFL website no later than two months prior to the start of the regular season. This post shall instruct members on the proper methods of signing up to participate in the UEFL for the upcoming season and will contain all appropriate pre-draft deadlines.
b.     Once the registration period is closed, a draft order shall be pre-assigned (see Rule 1-1-c). Five umpires shall be drafted by each UEFL member in the form of one (1) crew chief per Rule 1-2, two (2) primary umpires per Rule 1-3 and two (2) secondary umpires per Rule 1-4.
c.     The draft will be conducted in two phases: Phase one encompasses the crew/primary round while phase two encompasses the secondary draft. Members have the option of drafting all umpires during the first phase.
For more information about the UEFL draft and selection process, see the 2014 UEFL Rules Book. Note that the draft will occur in March 2014, no umpires will be selected until the draft begins in March.

Any visitor, guest or user may become a league member. There is no cost to register for this league. If you would like to register for the 2014 UEFL season, please complete the 2014 UEFL Registration Form. If you experience technical difficulties, please respond to this post with your requested username. If you participated during the 2013 season, please use the same username or otherwise mention what your username was last season. Do not select umpires during the registration process.

Important Note: To register for the 2014 Umpire Ejection Fantasy League, please indicate your desired username and e-mail address, the combination of which shall serve as user verification. Pursuant to Rules 4-7 and 6-1, users must be logged in to initiate challenges. The UEFL uses DISQUS for this purpose. To register, view any post on the website and scroll to the comments section. Click the "Join the discussion" text box and a variety of sign in options will appear. You can sign in with Facebook, Twitter or Google, or create an account with DISQUS. Your DISQUS sign in (whether Facebook, Twitter, Google or DISQUS itself) must match your UEFL username.

It is recommended that UEFL members be placed on an e-mail list so that we may expeditiously communicate important site-related news, such as UEFL Live Draft order and Prop Boards. If you wish to be included, please indicate this during registration.

Registration, draft and roster deadlines (Note: All deadlines extend to 11:59 PM Pacific on date indicated)
March 3, 2013 (Monday): Preliminary and standard registration processes closed, draft opens.
March 13, 2013 (Thursday): Last day to submit unrestricted Primary umpires.
March 13, 2013 (Thursday): Last day to RSVP for the Live Secondary Draft. Date and time TBD.
March 14, 2013 (Friday): Last day to submit unrestricted Secondary umpires (Live Draftees exempt).
March 15 or 16, 2013 (Sat or Sun): Live Secondary Draft. Date and time TBD.
March 20, 2013 (Thursday): Last day to submit unrestricted Crew Chief selections.
March 21, 2013 (Friday): Last day for roster changes (retirements, pre-season injuries, etc.).
March 22, 2013 (Saturday): Dodgers at Diamondbacks (MLB Australia Opening Series)
Any late submissions will be "restricted," meaning umpire selection will be limited to a list as determined by the Commissioner and based on timely league drafting activity.

Appeals Board: Rule 6-4-a mandates the establishment and maintenance of an Appeals Board to rule on disputed issues, such as Quality of Correctness. Any visitor, guest or user may become an Appeals Board member and may or may not also be a concurrent league member. The Appeals Board operates on a voluntary basis only and is a one-year term (no term limits). To apply, please access this form. If you are interested in nominating yourself for the 1-3 at-large Appeals Board vacancies, please consider the following requirements:
Ability to separate subjectivity from objective analysis;
Extensive rules knowledge or ability to attain exceptional proficiency;
Acceptance of prior and willingness to form UEFL precedent and rule interpretations;
Ability to objectively and thoroughly analyze plays to determine, among others, Quality of Correctness;
Availability to respond to the "Office of the UEFL Commissioner" in a timely fashion;
Board members must abstain from ruling on plays involving drafted umpires (if applicable).
2014 Appeals Board page on the UEFL Portal
Permanent Appeals Board members are: Gil (Commissioner, Chair), Jeremy (Deputy Commissioner).
Appeals Board members re-elected via the 2013 Rules Summit are: tmac, RichMSN, BT_Blue, Turducken.
Vacancy: Seat 7. At the Chair's discretion, Seat 8 and/or Seat 9 may also be filled or left vacant.

Appeals Board nomination and election procedures, deadlines
January 28, 2013 (Tuesday): Appeals Board nominations opened.
March 14, 2013 (Friday): Appeals Board nominations closed and voting begins.
March 21, 2012 (Friday): Appeals Board voting ends.
March 31, 2013 (Sunday): Opening Day, Dodgers vs. Diamondbacks, MLB season begins.

If you have any questions, please post here. As you can see, registration will remain open for over four weeks while Appeals Board nominations will remain open for over six weeks. We hope you enjoy this registration process for the 2014 season. Read on for a "How To" example...

Scenario, Registration & Draft: John Doe would like to register for the 2014 UEFL season. He reads the new policies and procedures for 2014 and registers a username with the DISQUS commenting system. On March 4, John takes part in phase one of the UEFL draft by selecting two primary umpires, Ump A and Ump B. Ump A is MLB-level while Ump-B is AAA-level. John opts not to select Secondary umpires at this time, though he has the option to do so. On March 11, John registers for the Live Secondary Draft. John attends the Live Secondary Draft and when it is his turn to do so, he drafts Ump C and then Ump D, whom are both MLB level umpires. On March 20, John submits his Crew Chief selection, selecting Ump E. On March 21, it is revealed Ump E has suffered an injury; John contacts the Office of the UEFL Commissioner and successfully changes his Crew Chief selection from Ump E to Ump A (who is also one of John's primary umpires).

Scenario, Appeals Board: John Doe would also like to run for a vacant seat on the Appeals Board and after reading Rule 6 and the above description of a boardperson's duties, believes he will be a solid fit. He completes the nomination process in February. John makes sure to vote for himself and another candidate and submits his ballot on March 20, cognizant of the fact that voting twice in the Appeals Board election or contributing to voting irregularities surrounding his candidacy will disqualify himself gaining election.

To register for the 2014 UEFL season, please complete the form below (click here if you cannot see it):