Monday, February 11, 2013

2012-13 TFFL: Day 101, Technical Fouls 649 - 652

2012-13 TFFL: Day 101 (7 Games, 4 Technicals)
649: 15 Bennett Salvatore, 6 Tony Brown, 34 Kevin Cutler. 76ers' Wright; 2nd, 10:39.
The Los Angeles Clippers ultimately won the contest, defeating the Philadelphia 76ers, 107-90.

650: 8 Marc Davis, 35 Kane Fitzgerald, 77 Karl Lane. Pistons' Frank; 1st, 1:41.
The New Orleans Hornets ultimately won the contest, defeating the Detroit Pistons, 105-86.

651: 55 Bill Kennedy, 56 Mark Ayotte, 60 James Williams. Bulls' Deng; 3rd, 10:39.
The San Antonio Spurs ultimately won the contest, defeating the Chicago Bulls, 103-89.

652: 49 Tom Washington, 30 John Goble, 52 Scott Twardoski. Wizards' Wall; 3rd, 1:48.
The Washington Wizards ultimately won the contest, defeating the Milwaukee Bucks, 102-90.

1. (149 pts) Bino.
2. (144 pts) Boredcravens.
3. (133 pts) Drjjulius.
4. (124 pts) Eagle_12.
5. (122 pts) flap0703.


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