Tuesday, December 11, 2012

2012-13 TFFL: Day 42, Technical Fouls 272 - 273

2012-13 TFFL: Day 42 (5 Games, 2 Technicals, 2 Flopping Disciplines).
272: 9 Derrick Stafford, 45 Brian Forte, 63 Derek Richardson. Wizards' Nene; 4th, 0:29.7 (double-273).
273: 9 Derrick Stafford, 45 Brian Forte, 63 Derek Richardson; Hornets' Vasquez; 4th, 0:29.7 (double-272).
The Washington Wizards ultimately won the contest, defeating the New Orleans Hornets, 77-70.

Flopping 10: Zaza Pachulia (1st; Warning), Hawks vs. Wizards (12/7/12, Video [Foul Called = No]).
Flopping 11: Omer Asik (1st; Warning), Rockets vs. Spurs (12/10/12, Video [Foul Called = Yes]).

1. (55 pts) youthministeradam, cyclone14, tonyjia888.
4. (54 pts) Bino.
5. (53 pts) yawetag.