In the paragraphs prior, the General Instructions coach umpires to remain professional, remain active and alert, employ courtesy and represent baseball with class and to exercise "much patience."
Naked Gun, which stars Leslie Nielsen as Frank Drebin as an umpire who had some wild calls of his own, was filmed at Dodger Stadium |
Looks like Greg Gibson will be reviewing Rule 9.05 tonight.
With the Los Angeles Dodgers leading the San Diego Padres 6-5 with two out, two on and a 2-2 count on Saturday night, Dodgers closer Kenley Jansen received a throw from catcher A.J. Ellis and paced around the mound, pondering his next move, as baserunner R3 Everth Cabrera pondered a move of his own.
The deuces weren't the only items that were wild. (Video: Gibson's interesting call at the plate)
For as Jansen retreated with his back toward home plate, Cabrera dashed down the third baseline as teammates gathered their pitcher's attention, Jansen throwing high to home with Ellis jumping and applying the tag just before Cabrera touched the plate.
"Out!" was the call by plate umpire Gibson and as Cabrera protested the call, the Dodgers had escaped with their 10th straight home win against San Diego—or had they?
For as Gibson affirmed his call to Cabrera, Ellis ran to the backstop behind home plate toward a wayward white orb as baserunner R2 Will Venable motored around third base.
"Safe!" was the call by Gibson, now convinced that the home team had missed the play. And "Safe!" again as Venable slid under the pitcher's tag, alertly taking two bases on the F1 error.
Patience is a virtue, as legendary broadcaster Vin Scully showed the umpire his interpretation of the officiating axiom: "And lookee here—he's gonna be safe after the plate umpire missed, another run will score." And then as if to acknowledge that everyone is prone to the occasional error, Scully proceeded to call our umpire by the name, "Greg Carlson."
UEFL Video (Including CF Angle)