Thursday, March 8, 2012

UEFL 2012: Draft Order and Pre-Season Information

Welcome to the 2012 Umpire Ejection Fantasy League draft. The process will begin shortly according to the following schedule (all rounds close at 11:59 PM Pacific Time on the date indicated):
  • March 10: Crew and Primary rounds open
  • March 16: Primary round closed
  • March 17: Secondary round open per draft order
  • March 23: Appeals Board nominations closed
  • March 24-30: Voting, Appeals Board
  • March 30: Non-live Secondary round closed
  • April 1: Live Secondary draft, Time TBD
  • April 1: Crew round closed
  • April 3: Last day for authorized roster changes
  • April 4-6: Opening Days, MLB season begins
To illustrate this process and preview the 2012 draft, we have put together the following video with a brief statistical analysis of several umpires in advance of the draft and upcoming season. Read on past the video for a detailed description of upcoming processes:

The Umpire Ejection Fantasy League has released the 2012 Secondary draft order: Click here to visit the UEFL Portal and access the Member Roster. For those interested in attending the Live Secondary draft on April 1, you must RSVP via e-mail. Those not participating the Live Secondary draft shall e-mail their secondary draft "wish lists" or post a comment to the upcoming Secondary Draft entry (which will post on March 17). "Wish lists" shall contain the most desired umpires one wishes to fill the secondary positions: For instance, "1st preference: Joe West & Angel Hernandez, 2nd preference: Joe West & CB Bucknor, 3rd preference: Joe West & Ed Rapuano, 4th preference: Angel Hernandez & CB Bucknor, 5th preference: Rob Drake & Bill Welke." During the live draft, when your name comes up and you are not present and have submitted a wish list, the UEFL Commissioners will assign you secondary umpires based on your wish list and what is available at that time.

Remember, Secondary umpires may not be AAA though Primaries may be AAA.

Though the Crew and Primary rounds both open on March 10, the Primary round closes on March 16, while the Crew round will close on April 1. You may submit your picks via post comment or e-mail at any time during these rounds. As these rounds are private, your posts (if you post a comment) will remain screened until that respective round has been completed.

The UEFL will also introduce prop predictions in 2012: These side wagers are a chance to earn extra points, similar to the Case Plays feature. Prop predictions are an exciting new way to earn points for correctly forecasting various events that may occur during the season. Props are codified under Rule 4-6 in the UEFL Rules Book.

UEFL Approved Ruling and Points Modification: Post-Season appearance points have been modified as a result of the added Wild Card playoff game and based on a recent UEFL poll: WC appearances will result in one bonus point, DS = 2, CS = 3, WS = 4, Crew Chief assignments for any round = +1, see Rule 4-3-c for more information

Stay tuned for our next post on March 10, which will announce the opening of the Crew and Primary rounds. As always, if you have any questions, please post here or send us an e-mail.