Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ejections: Ron Kulpa (1, 2)

HP Umpire Ron Kulpa ejected Dodgers center fielder Matt Kemp and Manager Don Mattingly for arguing strike calls in the bottom of the 4th inning of the Marlins-Dodgers game. With one out and one on, Kemp took a 0-0 slider and a 0-1 fastball from Marlins pitcher Ricky Nolasco for two called strike. Kemp subsequently grounded into an inning ending double play. Replays indicate the 0-0 pitch was thigh high, but off the outside of the plate and the 0-1 pitch was located belt high, but was off the inside of the plate, the call was incorrect. After challenge, the call is now correct.** A post-inning exemption was applied.* For a post-at bat ejection of an argument over balls and strikes, the effect of the called pitches shall be judged holistically under UEFL Rule 6.e.iii.d. At the time of the ejection, the Dodgers led, 4-0. The Dodgers ultimately won the contest, 8-0.

These are Ron Kulpa (46)'s first and second ejection of 2011.
Ron Kulpa now has 8 points in the Umpire Ejection Fantasy League (0 Previous + 2 MLB + 2 Correct Call + 2 MLB + 2 Correct Call = 8).
Ron Kulpa is owned as a Primary Umpire by Tswo7, who is now tied for 9th in the UEFL with 8 points.
Ron Kulpa is owned as a Secondary Umpire by DanNJ316, who is now tied for 9th place in the UEFL with 8 points.
*Post-inning Exemption is applied, under UEFL Rule 6.e.iii.b.
**Quality of Correctness was challenged and overturned ("Incorrect" ==> "Correct").

This is the 57th and 58th ejection of 2011.
This is the 24th player ejection of 2011.
This is the 32nd manager ejection of 2011.
Prior to his ejection, Kemp was 1-3 in the contest.
This is Don Mattingly's second ejection of 2011.
This is Matt Kemp's second career ejection.

Wrap: Marlins at Dodgers 5/29/11 Wrap
Video: Kulpa Ejects Kemp, Mattingly

Pitch f/x courtesy Brooks Baseball