Thursday, April 28, 2011

Discussions: Marvin Hudson, 3B @ WSH

Earlier today, Dan posted the following message.
Wasn't sure where to post this, but I figured some people might be interested. Just a suggestion, but maybe here on the new site we can have a section to post and discuss plays like this that don't result in an ejection, but are still notable plays.

Marvin Hudson made an awful call in the Mets/Nationals game tonight. Jose Reyes was sliding into third base on a triple, and Hudson called him out, because he said Reyes came off the base. Replays clearly showed that his hand was in contact with the base the whole time. And I'm honestly not sure how Hudson could have missed it, since he was standing right there, and had a perfect view.

A big argument ensued. You had Reyes, third base coach Chip Hale, and manager Terry Collins yelling at Hudson. Collins accidentally bumped Hudson when he came out to argue, which I imagine he'll be hearing from the league about. Reyes threw down his helmet, and was screaming in Hudson's face, before he restrained by Hale. But shockingly, Hudson didn't eject anyone.

Here is video of the play with multiple replays showing the tag and the hand never leaving the base:

I was amazed that Reyes and/or Collins didn't get run there. Is it because Hudson had an idea in his head that he might have screwed up, so he was going to allow more? Or is he just known for being a lot more tolerant than most umpires? If that had been a West, or a Davidson, you know those two would have been gone in a heartbeat, bad call or not.

Anyway, thought this was an interesting turn of events, and I found the fact that Hudson didn't eject anyone to be more fascinating than the call itself, which was a pretty cut and dry terrible call.
Answer: YES! With the new blogger system, we're going to get the opportunity to label (tag) our posts. Whether the tag is "ejections," "umpire odds & ends," or otherwise, all posts to the UEFL will be labeled/tagged. Furthermore, all labels will be sortable on the right column; you'll also have the chance to search this blog. "Discussion" posts will be just as Dan described, notable plays that don't result in an ejection, but also don't come with the same rules implications that Umpire Odds & Ends or Case Plays do. The "close calls" where the only question is your run of the mill safe/out, fair/foul, etc. will make appearances here.

If you have a play/video you would like to submit for discussion, just post a reply to ANY existing UEFL post or page. This post is therefore the first UEFL "Discussion." Enjoy.

- Looks like we also have a close tag play in Detroit (Derryl Cousins, HP) and a hit by pitch in Anaheim that wasn't (Jeff Kellogg, 1B).