This is Dan Iassogna (58)'s second ejection of the 2017 MLB regular season.
Dan Iassogna now has -5 points in the UEFL Standings (-1 Prev + 2*[2 MLB - 4 Incorrect Call] = -5).
Crew Chief Brian Gorman now has -2 points in Crew Division (-2 Previous + 0 Incorrect Call = -2).
*UEFL Rule 6-2-b-1 (Kulpa Rule): |0| < STRIKE < |.748| < BORDERLINE < |.914| < BALL.
This is the 181st, 182nd ejection report of 2017.
This is the 82nd player ejection of 2017. Prior to ejection, Gonzalez was 0-2 (2 SO) in the contest.
This is the 85th Manager ejection of 2017.
This is Houston's 7/8th ejection of 2017, 2nd in the AL West (TEX 10; HOU 8; OAK, SEA 6; LAA 4).
This is Marwin Gonzalez's 2nd ejection of 2017, 1st since July 6 (John Libka; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).
This is AJ Hinch's 2nd ejection of 2017, 1st since August 31 (Joe West; QOC = Y-C [Interference]).
This is Dan Iassogna's 2/3rd ejection of 2017, 1st since June 8 (Danny Valencia; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).
Wrap: Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim vs. Houston Astros, 9/22/17 | Video as follows: