This is Joe West (22)'s second ejection of the 2017 MLB regular season.
Joe West now has 12 points in the UEFL Standings (9 Prev + 2 MLB + 1 Correct Call-Crewmate = 12).
Crew Chief Joe West now has 10 points in Crew Division (9 Previous + 1 Correct Call = 10).
*OBR 6.01(a)(5): "It is interference by a batter or a runner when—Any batter or runner who has just been put out, or any runner who has just scored, hinders or impedes any following play being made on a runner. Such runner shall be declared out for the interference of his teammate."
*Had there been less than two strikes on Bregman, he would have been out pursuant to Rule 6.03(a)(3): "A batter is out for illegal action when—He interferes with the catcher’s fielding or throwing by stepping out of the batter’s box or making any other movement that hinders the catcher’s play at home base."
This is the 155th ejection report of 2017.
This is the 76th Manager ejection of 2017.
This is Houston's 5th ejection of 2017, T-2nd in the AL West (TEX 8; HOU, SEA 5; OAK 4; LAA 1).
This is AJ Hinch's first ejection since September 8, 2016 (Jim Joyce; QOC = N [Ball/Foul]).
This is Joe West's 2nd ejection of 2017, 1st since June 18 (Jeff Banister; QOC = Y-C [HBP/Foul]).
Wrap: Texas Rangers vs. Houston Astros (at Tropicana Field), 8/31/17 | Video as follows: