Saturday, August 12, 2017

MLB Ejection 132 - Ramon De Jesus (4; Chase Utley)

2B Umpire Ramon De Jesus ejected Dodgers 2B Chase Utley (positioning disagreement; Unsportsmanlike-NEC) in the top of the 9th inning of the Padres-Dodgers game. With none out and two on (R1, R2), Padres batter Carlos Asuaje hit a 0-2 cutter from Dodgers pitcher Kenley Jansen on a fly ball to shortstop Corey Seager for an out on the infield fly rule. Following the play, Utley requested De Jesus move from his position at Deep B, presumably within Utley's line-of-sight to home plate in double-play depth; after a disagreement, De Jesus ejected Utley for unsporting conduct (NEC), the call was irrecusable. At the time of the ejection, the Dodgers were leading, 6-3. The Dodgers ultimately won the contest, 6-3.

This is Ramon De Jesus (18)'s fourth ejection of the 2017 MLB regular season.
Ramon De Jesus now has 15 points in the UEFL Standings (10 Prev + 3 AAA + 2 Irrecusable Call = 15).
Crew Chief Dana DeMuth now has 6 points in Crew Division (5 Previous + 1 Correct Call = 6).

This is the 132nd ejection report of 2017.
This is the 58th player ejection of 2017. Prior to ejection, Utley was 1-4 in the contest.
This Los Angeles-NL's 7th ejection of 2017, 1st in the NL West (LAD 7; COL 5; SF 4; ARI, SD 3).
This is Chase Utley's first ejection since April 23, 2006 (Dan Iassogna; QOC = U [Out/Safe]).
This is Ramon De Jesus' 4th ejection of 2017, 1st since August 8 (Mike Scioscia; QOC = Y [Check Swing]).

Wrap: San Diego Padres vs. Los Angeles Dodgers, 8/12/17 | Video as follows:
Alternate Link: Rook Ramon rejects rounded representative's risque relocation request (LAD)