Saturday, August 17, 2013

MLB Ejections 134, 135, 136: Marvin Hudson (2, 3, 4)

HP Umpire Marvin Hudson ejected Nationals pitcher Stephen Strasburg and Manager Davey Johnson for throwing at Braves batter Andrelton Simmons in the bottom of the 2nd inning and Nationals RF Scott Hairston
Strasburg leaves the field without saying a word.
for arguing a strike three call in the top of the 9th inning of the Nationals-Braves game. In the bottom of the 1st, Strasburg surrendered a lead-off home run to Braves batter Jason Heyward. With Justin Upton immediately following, on the first pitch to Upton, Strasburg hit him with a 97-mph fastball, resulting in warnings from Umpire Hudson. In the bottom of the second, with none out and one on, Strasburg threw two consecutive fastballs behind Simmons, resulting in his and Manager Johnson's ejections, the ejections were irrecusable. In the top of the 9th, with one out and none on, Hairston took a 2-2 fastball from Braves pitcher David Carpenter for a called third strike.
Broadcast: he's "got a beef" just as PFX shows K.
Replays indicate that all called pitches during the at bat were correctly officiated and the called third strike was located knee high and over the heart of home plate (sz_bot 1.480, pz 1.526), the call was correct. At the time of Strasburg and Johnson's ejections, the Nationals were leading, 4-2.* At the time of Hairston's ejection, the Nationals were leading, 7-5. The Nationals ultimately won the contest, 8-7, in 15 innings.

These are Marvin Hudson (51)'s 2nd/3rd/4th ejections of 2013.
Marvin Hudson now has 6 points in the UEFL (-2 Previous + 2*[2 MLB + 0 Irrecusable Call] + 2 MLB + 2 Correct Call = 6).
Crew Chief Wally Bell now has 7 points in the UEFL's Crew Division (4 + 3 Irrecusable/Correct Call = 7).
*Pursuant to OBR Rule 9.01(d), the run scored prior to ejection: "If an umpire disqualifies a player while a play is in progress, the disqualification shall not take effect until no further action is possible in that play."

These are the 134th, 135th and 136th ejections of the 2013 MLB season.
This is the 63rd Manager ejection of 2013.
This is the 59th player ejection of 2013. Prior to ejection, Strasburg's line was 1.0 IP, 2 ER, 2 BB, HBP, HR.
This is the 60th player ejection of 2013. Prior to ejection, Hairston was 1-5 in the contest.
This is the Nationals' 6/7/8th ejection of 2013, 1st in the NL East (WAS 8; ATL 7; NYM, PHI 4; MIA 2).
This is Stephen Strasburg's first career MLB ejection.
This is Davey Johnson's 2nd ejection of 2013 and first since July 25, 2013 (Mike Winters; QOC = Correct).
This is Scott Hairston's 1st ejection of 2013 and first since July 1, 2010 (Ron Kulpa; QOC = N/A).
This is Marvin Hudson's first ejection since August 1, 2013 (Troy Tulowitzki; QOC = Incorrect).

Wrap: Washington Nationals vs. Atlanta Braves, 8/17/13
Video: Strasburg's third consecutive wild pitch overall results in a run and automatic ejection (ATL)
Video: Sequence of Strasburg's HBP of Upton, three consecutive wild pitches and speechless EJ (WAS)
Video: Hairston takes a 2-2 heater at the knees to earn a strikeout, argues to earn an ejection (WAS)