Sunday, September 9, 2012

Injury: Jeff Kellogg and Torii Hunter's Dangerous Lumber

After his foul ball injured plate umpire Jeff Kellogg, Torii Hunter of the Los Angeles Angels might be suffering from an unfortunate series in which he has contributed to the incapacitation of two umpires in less than one month's time, a condition most informally referred to as "Dangerous Lumber."

In August, Hunter's rubber-soled cleat spiked Greg Gibson near the left eye during a tumbling slide into home plate, also in Anaheim.

Kellogg's condition had been described as "a pretty bad migraine," though Angels head trainer Nevala stopped short of calling it a concussion. Meanwhile, Hunter wished Kellogg well, prognosticating, "Hopefully I'll see him [Sunday]."

Video: Kellogg struck by foul ball off tough-luck Torii Hunter's bat, leaves ballgame
Related Post: Ejections 158, 159: Tim Timmons (2, 3)